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How Would a 20% Reduction in Social Security Benefits Impact Your Retirement? Thumbnail

How Would a 20% Reduction in Social Security Benefits Impact Your Retirement?

There are big problems with the financial side of Social Security. Without legislative action, projections show that in 2033, people receiving Social Security benefits would face a 23% reduction in their annual payments. For most retirees that would be a tough pill to swallow. Today, we illustrate the potential impact it could have on your income and your savings.

Estate Planning Retirement Planning Financial Planning
The Difference Between Investment Return and Investor Return Thumbnail

The Difference Between Investment Return and Investor Return

Investing is a key component of your financial plan. To be successful, one of the most important traits you need is intestinal fortitude. Reaching for return introduces some emotional stress, and sometimes that stress can be Intense. Big decreases in value cause many people to sell investments – and most do it when they shouldn’t. Today, we talk about the difference between investment return and investor return.

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