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 Wealth Wednesday

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Why a Traditional IRA or 401(k) is the Worst Asset to Leave Your Loved Ones Thumbnail

Why a Traditional IRA or 401(k) is the Worst Asset to Leave Your Loved Ones

f you’ve worked hard, saved wisely, and had a bit of luck, you may find yourself with a nest egg to pass on to your loved ones. But did you know that a traditional IRA or 401(k) could be the worst asset to leave behind? For many people, these accounts are the largest assets they’ve built up—but changes in tax laws mean they’re now far less beneficial to heirs. Let’s explore why this is and what you can do about it.

Insights Tax Planning Retirement Planning Financial Planning
Key Financial Changes for 2025 Thumbnail

Key Financial Changes for 2025

Discover the key financial updates for 2025! From Social Security benefit increases and Medicare premium changes to higher retirement contribution limits and tax bracket adjustments, this guide breaks it all down. Learn how to maximize your savings, leverage new catch-up contributions, and prepare for potential tax law changes. Stay ahead of the curve and make smarter money decisions for the year ahead!

Tax Planning Retirement Planning Social Security Financial Planning
3 Hidden Retirement Risks You Should Know: Long-Term Care, Supporting Adult Children, and Gray Divorce Thumbnail

3 Hidden Retirement Risks You Should Know: Long-Term Care, Supporting Adult Children, and Gray Divorce

Planning for retirement? You’re probably focused on your investments, but have you thought about other major risks that could impact your savings? In this episode, we’re diving into three overlooked challenges that retirees face: long-term care costs, financial support for adult children, and the increasing rate of "gray divorce" among people 50+. These factors can create unexpected financial stress, making it crucial to prepare early. Watch to learn important stats, helpful tips, and ways you can protect your retirement from these risks.

Insights Retirement Planning Social Security Finances and Planning for Women Financial Planning
Does the Election Affect Your Investments? What You Need to Know About Market Trends Thumbnail

Does the Election Affect Your Investments? What You Need to Know About Market Trends

Election Day is right around the corner, and people are buzzing with excitement and worry. For some, it’s a time of hope, while for others, it brings concern about what’s next. Many investors wonder: Will this election impact my investments? Today, we're diving into that topic and discussing whether Election Day really matters to your financial future.

Insights Retirement Planning Investing Stock Market Bear Market Finances and Planning for Women Financial Planning
The Risk of Not Spending Enough in Retirement Thumbnail

The Risk of Not Spending Enough in Retirement

Today, we're diving into a topic that might seem a bit different from what we've discussed before. We've talked about the importance of managing your cash flow and being careful not to overspend during retirement, but today we're shifting gears. We're going to discuss the risk of not spending enough in retirement. This may seem like the opposite of what we've talked about before, but as with everything, balance and moderation are key.

Retirement Planning Investing Financial Planning
Planning for a 30-Year Retirement: Don't Outlive Your Assets Thumbnail

Planning for a 30-Year Retirement: Don't Outlive Your Assets

Today, we're diving into a topic that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves—how to plan for a retirement that could last up to 30 years. Many people dream of retiring early, but one big risk people often forget to consider is outliving their savings. What happens if you live longer than expected and run out of money? Let’s talk about how to avoid that scary situation.

Retirement Planning Social Security Investing Financial Planning