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 Wealth Wednesday

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How to Handle Stock Market Ups and Downs as You Near Retirement

Are you worried about how stock market ups and downs could impact your retirement? In this blog post, we break down why market volatility is normal, what causes stock prices to fluctuate, and what experts predict for the next decade. More importantly, we share practical strategies to protect your retirement savings, manage cash flow, and adjust your investments to stay on track—even during uncertain times. A smart plan can help you navigate the market with confidence! Read on to learn how.

Retirement Planning Investing Stock Market Bear Market Financial Planning
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Does the Election Affect Your Investments? What You Need to Know About Market Trends

Election Day is right around the corner, and people are buzzing with excitement and worry. For some, it’s a time of hope, while for others, it brings concern about what’s next. Many investors wonder: Will this election impact my investments? Today, we're diving into that topic and discussing whether Election Day really matters to your financial future.

Insights Retirement Planning Investing Stock Market Bear Market Finances and Planning for Women Financial Planning
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Fear and Greed are Enemies of Good Financial Decisions

When it comes to investing, emotions can be our worst enemy. Feelings of fear and greed can override rational thought and lead to poor choices. Make enough of those, and it can have a significant impact on your real-life return. As we head into the second half of the year, it’s time to hit the pause button on the noise and reflect on what really matters when it comes to stocks.

Investing Stock Market Bear Market Financial Planning
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Updating Our Bond Models: Skate to Where the Puck is Going

When asked about his success as a hockey player, Wayne Gretzky is famous for saying, "I skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been." There have been some significant changes in the bond market. Interest rates and bond yields have increased significantly, and this has dictated a change to our approach in how we position the bond allocation of your portfolios.

Retirement Planning Investing Bear Market Financial Planning