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Planning to Hire a Financial Advisor? Here are 4 Questions You Should Ask

If you think hiring a financial advisor is something you want to explore, what do you need to know? Unfortunately, finding an advisor who is a good fit for you can also be intimidating. Our industry has not done a good job of eliminating its problems. There are conflicts of interest. Getting a license doesn't require an advanced degree. And there are often incentives that don't always encourage good behavior. Here are 4 key questions you should ask.

Estate Planning Retirement Planning Finances and Planning for Women Financial Planning
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Spending In Retirement: Why You Should Focus on Paying Off Your Mortgage Before You Retire

One of the most important elements of any retirement plan is what you spend. As you reach your fifties, one important goal to focus on is paying off your mortgage and other debt before you retire. Let's look at how the average American spends in retirement, and why not having those big debt payments can improve your chances for success.

Insights Retirement Planning Investing Financial Planning