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Subscribe to our Weekly Video Series: 

Wealth Wednesday

A video series designed to inform and educate...

Each our advisors use their 130 years of combined experience to discuss key topics that impact you.  Some of the topics we have recently covered include:

  • The Rough Start to 2022
  • 50 and Divorced, How Can I Retire?
  • Want to Retire at 57? Here's what you need to know.
  • I'm 58 years old with $58,000 saved.  How can I retire?
  • 5 key things to know about Social Security
  • What you need to know about Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans and Medicare Supplements
  • The Challenges Women Face Planning for Retirement
  • and much more.
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Here are some clips from previous shows....

What happens to your IRA when you die?  Your spouse may be wondering about this. Nikki and Julie provide some answers.

Bear markets (like this one) teach some valuable lessons to every investor.  Here are some things our advisor's have learned from their previous experiences.

Normal Retirement Age is a key component of Social Security.  If you retire before reaching that age, your benefits are discounted.  Delaying your benefits can result in receiving more.